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"Rational Cybersecurity for the Business" to Publish Through the ApressOpen Program

Upcoming Open Access Release

February 5th, 2020

The public is increasingly concerned with cybersecurity issues from events in the news. In 2019 alone we read about celebrity phone hacks and blackmail, cyberattacks on local election systems, ransomware disabling medical and government services, massive identity breaches, and constant privacy violations.

We look to the cybersecurity industry and business cybersecurity teams for protection, but they seem to be losing the battle. Entire companies (and other organizations) are suffering intellectual property, market share, and reputation losses to the point of experiencing lawsuits, share price drops, or even bankruptcy. Many of us, including top executives, feel helpless amidst cybersecurity’s gathering storm.

But what if we knew that cybersecurity’s plight is as much a leadership and organizational problem as a technical one? This makes it something all of us contributing to it can solve. Rational Cybersecurity for the Business gives security leaders such as Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) - its primary audience - the knowledge to be the catalyst to align their security programs with the business. With this book’s guidance, they can show their businesses the way to create optimal people, process, and technology solutions for cybersecurity.

Author Dan Blum brings decades of experience to provide the industry’s first complete Security Leader’s Guide to Business Alignment. He is an internationally-recognized expert writer, speaker, and consultant in cybersecurity, risk management, and digital identity. Formerly a Golden Quill Award winning VP and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner, Inc., he has served as the security leader for several start ups and consulting companies, and has consulted for 100s of large corporations, universities, and government organizations.

“Dan Blum is on a mission to explain that it’s often the organizational and political issues that make security projects difficult,” said Malcom Harkins, Cymatic Chief Security & Trust Officer and former CISO at Intel. “He interviewed me and over 50 CISOs and other business leaders to get even more insights for his Book Project. I’m pleased to learn Rational Cybersecurity will be open sourced to make a bigger difference with broader distribution.” 

“I’m really pleased to learn Rational Cybersecurity will be open sourced,” said Paul Simmonds, CISO. “It's really critical that the learnings Dan’s distilled into this book from many CISOs be made widely available.The next generation of CISOs can now leverage many tricks of the trade and avoid pitfalls in the organizational politics of any business.

Apress, a Springer Nature company, will be publishing Rational Cybersecurity for the Business in May 2020 through the ApressOpen program which provides freely available, quality content for technology professionals worldwide. The book will be openly available and shareable online to anyone in the world so as to enhance the information flow for real business cybersecurity solutions.

For more information on Rational Cybersecurity for the Business, see the announcement on the Security-Architect website.