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Smarter Homes: How Technology Will Change Your Home Life

​​​​​​​New Release

October 1st, 2018

What did people half a century ago anticipate the homes of future generations to look like? Do you think they pictured our digital thermostats, or our cell phones with apps to control lights and music, or even our garage door remotes? Could they have imagined kitchens decked out with smart fridges alerting us when we’re running low on milk and can repeat our grocery shopping lists out loud to us?

The answer is both yes and no. For almost a century, inventors and scientists have consciously sought to capitalize on the inside of homes with ever-improving technology. Apress is thrilled to announce the debut of the newest title in our Design Thinking Series: Smarter Homes: How Technology Will Change Your Home Life, by Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino. In this book, she effectively explores the above questions, and then uses them as a launchpad to look to the future. Those working in trends research, R&D, product design, and even just the curious layman, will benefit from the knowledge offered by Deschamps-Sonsino.

Some early attempts at smart homes trends were way-off – like a 1939 World’s Fair debut of an in-home robot companion who could be trained to socially smoke with you in your parlor – and some - like a button-operated manor featured in a 1950 issue of Popular Mechanics – were ahead of the curve. In her newest release with Apress, developer and designer Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino thoughtfully explores what innovations are on the horizon for the connectivity of the home, while cogently contextualizing them with the ambitions of the past. It is not just science fiction writing anymore; smart homes are our reality and our future.

Deschamps-Sonsino’s hands-on experience makes Smarter Homes a surefire value; she was the co-founder and CEO of Tinker London, a design studio for smart products, and founded her very own smart technology called the Good Night Lamp. In addition to being named one of the Top 100 Influential Tech Women on Twitter by Business Insider, Deschamps-Sonsino has had her work featured in the London Design Museum and in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

“Alexa, what will the future of families and society look like?” While our Amazon Echo may not be able to answer this lofty question for us quite yet, Deschamps-Sonsino expertly explores this topic and more in Smarter Homes: How Technology Will Change Your Home Life.

New Content ItemAlexandra Deschamps-Sonsino's Smarter Homes: How Technology Will Change Your Home Life is available now on: