

Local Variable Type Inference in Java SE 10

By Kishori Sharan

What is Type Inference?

Suppose you want to store a person ID, say, 10, in a variable.  You would declare the variable like

int personId = 10;


To store a list of person IDs, you would declare a variable like

ArrayList<Integer> personIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>();


How about rewriting these variable declarations as follows?

var personId = 10;

var personIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>();


You would say that this looks like JavaScript code, not Java code. That was correct until Java 10. In Java 10, you can use var to declare local variables with an initializer. The compiler will take care of inferring the correct type (sometimes, unintended incorrect type) for your variable. In Java 10, the previous snippet of code is the same as follows:

int personId = 10;

ArrayList<Integer> personIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>();


Does it mean that you do not need to use an explicit type to declare local variables in Java anymore? Does it mean that Java has become dynamically typed like JavaScript? No. None of these is true. Using var to declare local variable has limitations - some are technical and some are practical. Java is still a strongly and statically typed language. The examples you just saw are syntactic sugar added by the compiler. The compiler infers the type of the variables and generates the byte code, which is the same as before Java 10. The Java runtime never sees var!

Everything in Java revolves around types. Either you are declaring types like classes and interfaces or are using them. Every expression and value you use in your program has a type. For example, the value 10 is of int type, 10.67 is of double type, "Hello" is of String type, and the expression new Person() is of Person type.

Deriving type of a variable or an expression from the context of its use is called type inference. Java already has type interference, for example, in lambda expressions and in object creation expression for a generic type. The following statement uses type inference, which infers the diamond operator (<>) on the right-hand side as <Integer> by reading the ArrayList<Integer> from the left-hand-side:

ArrayList<Integer> personIdList = new ArrayList<>();

What is var?

Is var a keyword in Java 10? No. It is a restricted type name or a context sensitive keyword. It is a type name, which means it denotes a type (primitive type or reference type) like int, double, boolean, String, List, etc. Because var is a restricted type name, you can still use it as an identifier, except to define another type. That is, you can use var as variable names, method names, and package names. However, you cannot use it as the name of a class or an interface. Java coding standards recommend that the names of classes and interfaces start with an uppercase letter. If you did not follow the coding standards and used var as a class or interface name, your code will break in Java 10.

You can use var to declare local variables in the following three contexts. There are many restrictions to this list. I will cover them one- by-one.

·         Local variables with initializers

·         Index in for-each loops

·         Indexes in for loops

The following are examples of using var to declare local variables with initializers:

// The type of birthYear is inferred as int

var birthYear = 1969;


// The type of promptMsg is inferred as String

var promptMsg = "Are you sure you want to proceed?";


// Assuming Person is a class, the type of john is inferred as Person

var john = new Person();


The compiler infers the type of the variable declared using var. If the compiler cannot infer the type, a compile-time error occurs. The compiler uses the type of the expression used as the initializer to infer the type of the variable being declared. Consider the previous variable declarations. In the first case, the compiler sees 1969, which is an integer literal of type int and infers type of the birthYear variable as int. When the source is compiled, the class file contains the statement:

// The compiler inferred the type of birthYear from 1969 and replaced var with int

// in the class file. The runtime sees the following statement as it did before Java 10.

int birthYear = 1969;


The same argument goes for the other two statements in which the type of the promptMsg and john variables are inferred as String and Person, respectively.

Looking at the previous examples, you may argue that why would you not write these statements using explicit types as the following?

int birthYear = 1969;

String promptMsg = "Are you sure you want to proceed?";

Person john = new Person();


You have a point. Except for saving a few key strokes, you really made the job of the readers of this code a little harder when you used var. When var is used, the reader must look at the initializer to know the type of the variable being declared. In simple expressions like the ones in our examples, it may not be very difficult to know the type of the initializer by just looking at it. One of the arguments made by the designer of the var type name is that using it to declare multiple variable at the same place makes the variable names easy to read because they all vertically align. Look at the following snippet of code:

var birthYear = 1969;

var promptMsg = "Are you sure you want to proceed?";

var john = new Person();


Compare the two previous snippets of code declaring the same set of variables. The latter is definably a little easier to read, but still a little harder to understand.

Let us consider the following variable declaration that uses a method call to initialize its value:

var personList = persons();


In this case, the compiler will infer the type of the personList variable based on the return type of the persons() method. For the readers of this statement, there is no way to tell the inferred type unless he looks at the declaration of the persons() method. I gave the variable a good name, personList, to indicate its type. However, it is still not clear whether it is a List<Person>, a Person[], or some other type.

Consider another example of a variable declaration:

Map<Integer,List<String>> personListByBirthMonth = new HashMap<Integer,List<String>>();


You can rewrite this statement as follows:

var personListByBirthMonth = new HashMap<Integer,List<String>>();


This time, the declaration looks much simpler and you may benefit from type inference offered by var, provided you keep the variable name intuitive enough to give a clue about its type.

You can mix var and explicit type names in the same section of the code (methods, constructors, static initializers, and instance initializers). Use var to declare variables whenever the types of the variables are clear to the readers, not just clear for the writer. If the reader of your code cannot figure out the variable types easily, use the explicit type names. Always choose clarity over brevity. It is very important that you use intuitive variable names when you use var. Consider the following variable declaration:

var x = 156.50;


The variable name x is terrible. If your method is a few lines long, using x as the variable name may be excused. However, if your method is big, the reader will have to scroll and look at the variable declaration to find what x means whenever x appears in the code. So, it is important to keep the variable name intuitive. Consider replacing the previous variable declaration with one such as follows:

var myWeightInPounds = 156.50;


No one reading the code that uses myWeightInPounds will have any doubts about its type.

A Quick Example

Listing 1 contains a test class to show you how to use the var restricted type name to declare local variables. I cover many more examples shortly. The comments in the code and the output make it obvious as to what is going on during the type inference. I do not explain the code any further.

Listing 1: Using the var Restricted Type Name to Declare Local Variables

// VarTest.java

package com.jdojo.java10.newfeatures;


import java.util.List;

import java.util.Arrays;


public class VarTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // The inferred type of personId is int

        var personId = 1001;

        System.out.println("personID = " + personId);


        // The inferred type of prompt is String

        var prompt = "Enter a message:";

        System.out.println("prompt = " + prompt);


        // You can use methods of the String class on prompt as you did

        // when you declared it as "String prompt = ..."

        System.out.println("prompt.length() = " + prompt.length());

        System.out.println("prompt.substring(0, 5) = " + prompt.substring(0, 5));


        // Use an explicit type name, double

        double salary = 1878.89;

        System.out.println("salary = " + salary);


        // The inferred type of luckyNumbers is List<Integer>

        var luckyNumbers = List.of(9, 19, 1969);

        System.out.println("luckyNumbers = " + luckyNumbers);


        // The inferred type of cities is String[]

        var cities = new String[]{"Altanta", "Patna", "Paris", "Gaya"};

        System.out.println("cities = " + Arrays.toString(cities));

        System.out.println("cities.getClass() = " + cities.getClass());


        System.out.println("\nList of cities using a for loop:");


        // The inferred type of the index, i, is int

        for (var i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) {




        System.out.println("\nList of cities using a for-each loop:");


        // The inferred type of the index, city, is String

        for (var city : cities) {







personID = 1001

prompt = Enter a message:

prompt.length() = 16

prompt.substring(0, 5) = Enter

salary = 1878.89

luckyNumbers = [9, 19, 1969]

cities = [Altanta, Patna, Paris, Gaya]

cities.getClass() = class [Ljava.lang.String;


List of cities using a for loop:






List of cities using a for-each loop:






I am sure you have many questions about local variable type inference covering different use-cases. I attempt to cover most use-cases in the next section with examples.  I find the JShell tool, which is a command-line tool shipped with the JDK starting from JDK 9, invaluable to experiment with var. If you are not familiar with the JShell tool, refer to Chapter 23 of my book titled "Beginning Java 9 Fundaments (ISBN: 978-1484228432). I use JShell many times to show code snippets and results in next sections. Make sure to set the feedback mode to the JShell session to verbose, so JShell prints the variable declarations with inferred types when you use var. The following JShell session shows a few of the variable declarations used in the previous examples:


|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 10-ea

|  For an introduction type: /help intro


jshell> /set feedback verbose

|  Feedback mode: verbose


jshell> var personId = 1001;

personId ==> 1001

|  created variable personId : int


jshell> var prompt = "Enter a message:";

prompt ==> "Enter a message:"

|  created variable prompt : String


jshell> var luckyNumbers = List.of(9, 19, 1969);

luckyNumbers ==> [9, 19, 1969]

|  created variable luckyNumbers : List<Integer>


jshell> var cities = new String[]{"Atlanta", "Patna", "Paris", "Gaya"};

cities ==> String[4] { "Atlanta", "Patna", "Paris", "Gaya" }

|  created variable cities : String[]


jshell> /exit

|  Goodbye



Rules of Using var

While reading these rules on using var in this section, keep in mind that there was only one objective in introducing var in Java 10 – making developers' life easier by keeping the rules of using var simple. I use JShell sessions in examples. If you need to declare a variable that needs to use features not allowed according to these rules, use an explicit type instead of var.

No Uninitialized Variables

You cannot use var to declare uninitialized variables. In such cases, the compiler has no expression to use to infer the type of the variable.


jshell> var personID;

|  Error:

|  cannot infer type for local variable personID

|    (cannot use 'var' on variable without initializer)

|  var personID;

|  ^-----------^


This rule makes using var simple in your code and easy to diagnose errors. Assume that declaring uninitialized variables using var is allowed. You can declare a variable and assign it a value for the first time several lines later in your program, which would make the compiler infer the variable's type. If you get a compile-time error in another part, which tells you that you have assigned a value to your variable wrong type, you will need to look at the first assignment to the variable that decided the variable's type. This is called "action at a distance" inference error in which an action at one point may cause an error in another part later - making the developer's job harder to locate the error.

No null Type Initializers

You can assign null to any reference type variable. The compiler cannot infer the type of the variable if null is used as the initializer.

jshell> var personId = null;

|  Error:

|  cannot infer type for local variable personId

|    (variable initializer is 'null')

|  var personId = null;

|  ^------------------^

No Multiple Variable Declarations

You cannot declare multiple variables in a single declaration using var.

jshell> var personId = 1001, days = 9;

|  Error:

|  'var' is not allowed in a compound declaration

|  var personId = 1001, days = 9;

|      ^

Cannot Reference the Variable in the Initializer

When you use var, you cannot reference the variable being declared in the initializer. For example, the following declaration is invalid:

jshell> var x = (x = 1001);

|  Error:

|  cannot infer type for local variable x

|    (cannot use 'var' on self-referencing variable)

|  var x = (x = 1001);


However, the following declaration is valid when you use an explicit type:

// Declares x as an int and initializes it with 1001

int x = (x = 1001);

No Array Initializers by Themselves

Array initializer such as {10, 20} is a poly expression and its type depends on the left-hand-side of the assignment. You cannot use an array initializer with var. You must use an array creation expression with or without an array initializer such as new int[]{10, 20) or new int[2]. In such cases, the compiler infers the type of the variable the same as the type used in array creation expression. The following JShell session shows a few examples:

jshell> var evens = {2, 4, 6};

|  Error:

|  cannot infer type for local variable evens

|    (array initializer needs an explicit target-type)

|  var evens = {2, 4, 6};

|  ^--------------------^


jshell> var evens = new int[]{2, 4, 6};

evens ==> int[3]{ 2, 4, 6 }

|  created variable evens : int[]


jshell> var evens = new int[2];

evens ==> int[2] { 0, 0 }

|  modified variable evens : int[]

|    update overwrote variable evens : int[]

No Array Dimensions

While using var to declare a variable, you cannot use brackets ([]) after var or variable's name to specify the dimension of the array. The dimension of the array being declared is inferred from the initializer.

jshell> var[] cities = new String[3];

|  Error:

|  'var' is not allowed as an element type of an array

|  var[] cities = new String[3];

|        ^


jshell> var cities = new String[3];

cities ==> String[3] { null, null, null }

|  modified variable cities : String[]

|    update overwrote variable cities : String[]


jshell> var points3D = new int[3][][];

points3D ==> int[3][][] { null, null, null }

|  created variable points3D : int[][][]

No Poly Expressions as Initializers

Poly expressions need a target type to infer their types. No poly expressions such as lambda expressions and method references are allowed in initializers for variable declaration using var. Array initializers are poly expressions, which are also not allowed. You need to use explicit types with poly expressions. The following JShell session shows a few examples in which I use var to declare variables with poly expressions initializers, which generates errors. I also show using explicit types instead of var that does not generate errors.

jshell> var increment = x -> x + 1;

|  Error:

|  cannot infer type for local variable increment

|    (lambda expression needs an explicit target-type)

|  var increment = x -> x + 1;

|  ^-------------------------^


jshell> Function<Integer,Integer> increment = x -> x + 1;

increment ==> $Lambda$13/2081853534@2a2d45ba

|  created variable increment : Function<Integer, Integer>


jshell> var next = increment.apply(10);

next ==> 11

|  created variable next : Integer


jshell> var intGenerator = new Random()::nextInt;

|  Error:

|  cannot infer type for local variable intGenerator

|    (method reference needs an explicit target-type)

|  var intGenerator = new Random()::nextInt;

|  ^---------------------------------------^


jshell> Supplier<Integer> intGenerator = new Random()::nextInt;

intGenerator ==> $Lambda$14/1734161410@51565ec2

|  created variable intGenerator : Supplier<Integer>


jshell> int nextInteger = intGenerator.get();

nextInteger ==> -2061949196

|  created variable nextInteger : int

Inferring Types on Both Sides

In most cases, you get an error when the compiler cannot infer the type of the initializer and the variable. In some cases, Object is inferred as the type. Consider the following:

var list = new ArrayList<>();


The initializer uses a diamond operator, which makes the compiler to infer the type for ArrayList<> whereas, using var on the left-hand side makes the compiler to infer the type in ArrayList<>. You might expect an error in this case. However, the compiler replaces the previous declaration with the following:

ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();


Consider the following snippet of code, which is also asking for inferring types on both sides:

public class NumberWrapper<E extends Number> {

    // More code goes here



var wrapper = new NumberWrapper<>();


In this case, the inferred type is the upper bound of the type parameter "E extends Number", which is Number. The compiler will replace the previous variable declaration with the following

NumberWrapper<Number> wrapper = new NumberWrapper<>();

Inferring Non-Denotable Types

Using var to declare variables may lead the compiler to infer non-denotable types such as capture variable types, intersection types, and anonymous class types. Consider the following snippet of code, which uses an anonymous class. Note that an anonymous class does not have a name, so it is non-denotable.

class Template implements Serializable, Comparable {


    public int compareTo(Object o) {

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");



    // More code goes here



var myTemplate = new Template() {

    // More code goes here



What would be the inferred type of the variable myTemplate? If you specified an explicit type for the myTemplate variable, you had the following four choices:

·         Template myTemplate = ...

·         Serializable myTemplate = ...

·         Comparable myTemplate = ...

·         Object myTemplate = ...

The compiler has a fifth choice, which is the non-denotable type of the anonymous class. In this case, compiler infers the non-denotable type of the anonymous class. When you add a new method to the anonymous class, which does not override any method in its superclass or superinterface, you cannot call that method statically. However, using var in anonymous class declaration allows you to do so, because your inferred variable type is compiler-generated non-denotable type of the anonymous class. The following JShell session demonstrates this:

jshell> var runnable = new Runnable() {

   ...>   public void run() {

   ...>     System.out.println("Inside run()...");

   ...>   }


   ...>   public void test() {

   ...>     System.out.println("Calling this method is possible because of var...");

   ...>   }

   ...> };

runnable ==> $1@2a2d45ba

|  created variable runnable : <anonymous class implementing Runnable>


jshell> runnable.run();

Inside run()...


jshell> runnable.test();

Calling this method is possible because of var...


Consider the following statement, where the return type of the getClass() method in the Object class is Class<?>:

// The inferred type of name is String

var name = "John";


// The inferred type of cls is Class<? extends String>

var cls = name.getClass();


In this case, the capture variable type in Class<?> has been projected upward to the supertype of the class of the name variable and the inferred type of cls is Class<? extends String> rather than Class<?>.

Here is the last example of the inferred non-denotable types:

var list = List.of(10, 20, 45.89);


What would be the inferred type of the list variable? This is a harder case to understand. The arguments to the List.of() method are of Integer and Double types. The Integer and Double class are declared as follows:

·         final class Integer extends Number implements Comparable<Integer>

·         final class Double extends Number implements Comparable<Double>

Both Integer and Double types implement the Comparable interface. In this case, the compiler projects the Integer and Double to their common supertype Number and uses an intersection of the Number and Comparable as the inferred type.

The previous variable declaration is equivalent to the following. Note that an intersection type is non-denotable, so you cannot use the following statement in your source code. I am showing it here just to show you the actual type being inferred. You can also use JShell to see this.

List<Number&Comparable<? extends Number&Comparable<?>>> list = List.of(10, 20, 45.89);


                Using var to declare variables may become complex at the compiler-level. Use explicit types in such situations to make your intention clear. Remember: clarity is more important than brevity. You could rewrite the previous statement as follows:

List<Number> list = List.of(10, 20, 45.89);

Not Allowed in Fields and Methods Declarations

Using var to declare fields (instance and static), method's parameters, and method's return type is not allowed. Public fields and methods define the interface for a class. They are referenced in other classes. Making a subtle change in their declaration may need other classes to be recompiled. Using var in local variables has local effects. This is the reason that fields and methods are not supported by var. Private fields and methods were considered, but not supported, to keep the implementation of var simple.

Using final with var

You can declare a variable declared using var as final. The final modifier behaves the same as it did before the introduction of var. The following local variable declaration is valid:

// The inferred type of personId is int.

// personId is final. You cannot assign another value to it.

final var personId = 1001;

Backward Compatibility

If your existing code uses var as a class or interface name, your code will break in Java 10. Using it as method, package, and variable names are fine. It is very unlikely that you have named a class or interface as var because that would have been against the Java naming convention.

Future Enhancements

In JDK 10, var is not supported to declare formal parameters of implicitly typed lambda expressions. Consider the following statement, which uses an implicitly types lambda expression:

BiFunction<Integer,Integer,Long> adder = (x, y) ->  (long) (x + y);


In this case, the types of both x and y parameters are inferred as Integer.  In JDK 10, you cannot write like:

// A compile-time error in JDK 10

BiFunction<Integer,Integer,Long> adder = (var x, var y) ->  (long) (x + y);


It is possible to write the previous statement in JDK 11, which will be released in September 2018. This code works in the early-access build of JDK 11, which you can download from http://jdk.java.net/11/.


Deriving type of a variable or an expression from the context of its use is called type inference. Java 10 introduced a restricted type name called var that can be used to declare local variables with initializes, and indexes for for-each and for loops. The type of the variable declared using var is inferred from the expression in the initializer. var is not a keyword; rather, it is a restricted type name, which means you cannot have a type such as a class or interface named as var. If you have a type named var in your existing code, your code will break when compiled in Java 10.

It is not always possible to infer the type of local variables from initializers. For example, if the initializer is null, it is not possible to inter the type. There are few limitations for using var to declare variables:

  • Variable declarations without initializers are not supported.
  • The initializer cannot be of the null type.
  • Multiple variables in a single declaration are not supported.
  • The initializer cannot reference the variable being declared.
  • Array initializers by themselves are not supported.
  • No array dimensions can be specified while declaring arrays.
  • No poly expressions such as lambda expressions and method references are allowed in initializer.
  • Instance and static fields are not supported.

About the Author

Kishori Sharan works as a senior software engineer lead at IndraSoft, Inc. He earned a master’s of science degree in computer information systems from Troy State University, Alabama. He is a Sun-certified Java 2 programmer and has over 20 years of experience in developing enterprise applications and providing training to professional developers using the Java platform. He has written several books on the Java platform ranging from Java SE 7 to Java SE 9/10 and JavaFX. His latest books on Java SE 9/10 are as follows:

This blog post was contributed by Kishori Sharan, the author of "Java Language Features:  With Modules, Streams, Threads, I/O, and Lambda Expressions".