

Apress Visits SAP Offices

Apress Senior Editor Aaron Black recently visited the SAP campus in Palo Alto, CA to speak with researchers, developers, and the Students Interns and Graduates (SIG) group about their technical training needs as they relate to hot topics in the SAP community. SAP recently announced development of a new SDK with Apple that will allow for apps designed specifically for Apple devices. The partnership has Bill McDermott (SAP CEO) and Tim Cook (Apple CEO) working closely together. All of this opens a great new opportunity for Apress and SAP to team in showing employees, interns, and students how to transform the mobile work experience for enterprise customers.

SAP event attendees were enthusiastic about what Apress had to offer. Several titles were shared including the recently published
Asset Accounting Configuration in SAP ERP from Andrew Okungbowa — SAP expert, trainer, and accountant — and Beginning Xcode by Matthew Knott. Beginning Xcode was especially well received, which demonstrated the strong interest in the new SAP + Apple partnership, and the usefulness of Apress publications.

The event ended with the SAP librarian promising to remain in close communication with Apress and vice-versa. Members of SAP’s SIG group in Palo Alto are eager to develop and utilize new skills at SAP. Apress offers fantastic training materials to help them do just that! 

(by Susan McDermott)